events Summer Lab Camp 2015 tomo2015-09-01 28th-30th Aug 2015, We enjoyed our summer lab camp@Yamanakako (山中湖)....
experiments A scene from photothermal excitation experiment tomo2015-08-12 Developing a new system for photothermal excitation of AFM cantilever to image...
events Visit of Prof. Sano tomo2015-08-12 Prof. Ken-ichi Sano (Nippon Institute of Technology) visited our...
events JSPS 167 mtg tomo2015-07-24 Masa & Takashi helped the 167 mtg held at Tokyo TECH Tamachi campus 23-24th July...
conference Invited Talk@International Symposium for Advanced Materials Research (ISAMR 2015) tomo2015-07-13 TH holds an invited talk@(ISAMR 2015) "Comprehensive investigations of hierarchical structures of interface between...
events 「原子をこの目で見てみよう!」 (表面科学会 関東支部主催) tomo2015-07-13 日本表面科学会 関東支部 第1回 市民講座...