We had a small “nanobio workshop”
with inviting three speakers:
11:00-11:15 研究会の趣旨説明 (林) Introduction (Hayashi)
11:15-12:15 手老 龍吾 先生 (豊橋科学技術大学 エレクトロニクス先端融合研究所)
Prof. Ryugo Tero (Toyohasi Univ. of Tech.)
“Molecular diffusion in supported lipid bilayers and effect of physicochemical properties of solid surfaces on the behavior of the lipid molecules
13:30-14:30 住友 弘二 先生 (NTT物性科学基礎研究所)
Dr. Koji Sumitomo (NTT Basic research lab)
“Nanobio devices using membrane proteins”
14:30-14:45 休憩
14:45-16:05 望月 祐志 先生 (立教大学理学部化学科)
Prof. Yuji Mochizuki (Dep. Chem. Rikkyo University)
“Fragment molecular orbital method: applications and upcoming projects”